Please join us on 26th and 27th of October 2023 for DesignBuilder Software Australia’s two day online training workshop!
Delivery and hosting will be via Zoom
Day 1 is compulsory and covers beginner concepts (introduction to building simulation; defining building geometry; windows and shading; loads and schedules, visualisation; constructions and simple HVAC).
Day 2 will cover topics designed to help users deliver NCC compliance reporting, for Vol 1 Section-J JV3 and Vol 2 VURB (outside of NSW). An introduction to Detailed HVAC modelling (required for JV3 models) and use of the NCC Thermal Comfort Plugin (temperature check for Reference and PMV check for Proposed building models) will be covered. An introduction to Daylighting analysis will be covered. Tips and tricks to use DesignBuilder effectively will also be discussed.
Each day runs 10am – 5pm AEDT with breaks. Please check your local time zones, apologies for the early start for participants from WA.
Workshop Fee: AUD$600/day + GST for attendees from tertiary institutions or with professional membership(s). Non-members $AUD750/day + GST.
Limited spaces are available – for further information and to register, please contact us.